The future
of creativity
Gucci Hub
Via Mecenate 77

The Concept
The future trends of creativity and design
“In the last decade, we have all had to rethink the way in which we understand the world around us. The pace of technological and social change, the redefinition (if not the actual abolition) of the workplace, the way that we navigate social media and how we experience the city has transformed everything, from transport to retail, dating to politics.
In the course of a generation, China has been transformed from acting as the low-cost workshop of the whole world, into one of the key markets for Europe’s luxury industry. Meanwhile our populations are living longer, and growing older. Consumers are demanding more of the companies that serve them. They want to know more about the products that they buy. They consume differently, and they are ultrasensitive to political messages. The traditional shopping mall is in trouble, fashion is moving beyond the runway to the product drop.
What does this accelerating pace of change mean for the way that we live now and how life will be in the near future?”
By Deyan Sudjic, Curator